Little Miss Cotton

Little Miss Cotton

Friday, December 3, 2010

"Alpaca"! Its cuter than Cotton!!

Alpaca…. It’s cuter than Cotton!

(A reflection and personal opinion)

By Val Newell

It is that time again, with the last leaves of the year nearly gone, and just a few hanging on tenaciously before the cold winds of winter force them to abandon their posts…. I have always called this the honest time of year…. Underneath the beautiful foliage of summer, the deep fall unveils the huge masses of trees and limbs that once looked so fruitful; they now become starkly exposed against the deep blue of the sky… much like what has happened to the alpaca industry.

November 18th, Nashville, Tennessee at the AOBA national office, that is where a bit of history was about to take place. From all over the country Industry leaders had been gathered. They brought with them, distrust, disillusionment, skepticism, but more importantly HOPE. Everyone knows the alpaca industry is in dire need of revival… most forward thinking people know that what the industry needs is to “create a fiber market”.

The participants in this meeting, called to order by AOBA, but called “Build a Tent” was spear headed by Claudia Raessler. It was truly due to the respect for Claudia and the integrity that she had demonstrated, that most participants would even consider this meeting.

To the average person, trying to figure out just what this meeting was all about, was challenging to say the least; it was fraught with skepticism, and a bit of fear. The premise of this meeting was to ask, if we as a group were ready or would be willing to form an organization, or an Alliance to work together as producers, without AOBA running, owning, or controlling this group. The vote was determinedly decided that as long as this new group would be run by the producers and NOT AOBA, then the Alpaca Alliance would be formed, and so on that eventful day, the Alpaca Alliance was formed. There are many details left to be decided upon. Who will make up the board? How can we all work together for the common good of the producers and ultimately the alpaca fiber industry? How can we make sure that the integrity of the group is maintained and personal agendas are not carried out…? That is where the HOPE comes in, and yes we are all going to need to gather up a healthy supply of that…. And even more than HOPE… we need to fill the lining of Hope with TRUST, or perhaps we could call this intelligent optimism. Otherwise nothing can be accomplished. “You must trust and believe in people or life becomes impossible”. - Anton Chekhov

The group, the newly formed Alpaca Alliance also passionately agreed to something else, something really exciting, the hiring of Nick Hahn, the genius behind, everything we know about COTTON today. With many industry parallels, the opportunity to brand alpaca with a logo and brand alpaca for its unique properties was something Nick felt he wanted to become a part of. This is exciting folks! Perhaps more than any other time in the alpaca industry, we finally have a professional textile developer who specializes in natural fiber; working for the alpaca industry! Certainly these are the times we will speak of….for many years to come.

Admittedly there is still so much to think about, and so much more to learn, before the whole plan comes together. Each thread of knowledge, like a beautifully woven cloth, comes together a piece at a time. Each individual needs to make their own decision as to how much or how little they want to be involved, and respect for that decision is always catamount.

I for one will take the leap of faith, and dare to trust that good can be accomplished. Personally I would rather be met with disappointment than to never have hoped.

On a Sunday after flying home from “Build a Tent” in Tennessee to New Hampshire and arriving home from this monumental meeting, the sun was shining and a rather warm breeze was blowing it seemed things were happening on our farm as well. Always a blessing and always a miracle, a beautiful baby girl was born; she is white…. as white as well…. We named her “Little Miss Cotton”…. it just seemed appropriate!

Val Newell

Co Founder CIABA

The Green Alpaca